Can You Make Cookies With Bread Flour?

When it comes to baking cookies, most people think of using all-purpose flour as the go-to option. However, with different types of flours available in the market, you may wonder if can you make cookies with bread flour. The simple answer is yes, but there are certain things to consider before swapping out all-purpose flour for bread flour in your cookie recipes.

Can You Make Cookies With Bread Flour

Can You Make Cookies With Bread Flour?

Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand what bread flour is and how can you make cookies with bread flour. Bread flour is a type of wheat flour that has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour. This higher protein content helps create gluten formation, making it ideal for yeast-based doughs like bread and pizza dough. On the other hand, all-purpose flour has a lower protein content and is more versatile as it can be used in a variety of recipes.

Characteristics of Bread Flour

As mentioned earlier, bread flour has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour. Typically, bread flour contains around 12-14% protein, while all-purpose flour contains 8-11% protein. This higher protein content gives bread flour its chewy texture and helps create a strong gluten structure in baked goods.

Cookie Baking Basics

Before we explore using bread flour in cookies, let’s go over some basic principles of cookie baking. Cookies are delicate treats that require precise measurements and techniques to achieve the perfect texture and flavor. Overworking the dough or underbaking the cookies can lead to undesirable results.

Using Bread Flour in Cookie Recipes

Now that we have an understanding of bread flour and cookie baking basics, let’s see how we can use bread flour in cookie recipes. The good news is that you can use bread flour in place of all-purpose flour in most cookie recipes. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that bread flour’s higher protein content will affect the texture and spread of your cookies.

Best Types of Cookies for Bread Flour

While you can use bread flour in any cookie recipe, certain types of cookies are best suited for this type of flour. Thick and chewy cookies, like chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin, benefit from the higher protein content in bread flour. The added chewiness and structure from the gluten formation help these cookies hold their shape better.

Impact on Cookie Spread

One of the main differences you’ll notice when using bread flour in your cookie recipes is the spread. Due to its higher protein content, bread flour will absorb more liquid than all-purpose flour, resulting in a thicker, less spread-out cookie. If you prefer thin and crispy cookies, it’s best to stick with all-purpose flour.

Impact of Other Ingredients

Besides the type of flour used, other ingredients also play a role in how your cookies turn out. For example, adding more sugar or butter can lead to a thinner and crispier cookie, while increasing the amount of eggs or baking powder can result in a cake-like texture. It’s essential to experiment and adjust your recipe accordingly when using bread flour in place of all-purpose flour.

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How Do I Substitute Bread Flour For All-Purpose Flour?

Now that you know the basics, let’s talk about how you can substitute bread flour for all-purpose flour in your cookie recipes. The general rule of thumb is to use 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of bread flour for every cup of all-purpose flour. This extra amount accounts for the higher protein content in bread flour. However, keep in mind that this substitution may not work for all recipes and may require some adjustments.

Which Flour Is Best For Cookies?

When it comes to deciding which flour is best for cookies, the answer ultimately depends on personal preference. If you prefer thin and crispy cookies, stick with all-purpose flour. But if you want thick and chewy cookies, give bread flour a try. You can also experiment with using different types of flour, such as whole wheat or almond flour, to add unique flavors and textures to your cookies.


You can make cookies with bread flour. However, keep in mind the differences in protein content between bread flour and all-purpose flour then how can you make cookies with bread flour. With the right adjustments and techniques, you can create delicious cookies using bread flour as your main ingredient. So why not give it a try and see which type of flour works best for your cookie preferences.


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